Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

America Freedom – Battle for America

I had the pleasure and privilege of seeing this movie at the Red State Gathering 2010 in Austin, Texas. It’s inspiring for women, educational and most of all it shares with the world all that conservation have done in helping shape our nation. The table I was sitting at during the showing had comments ranging from:

I can’t believe a man wrote and directed this…
A man captured the essence of a woman’s thinking…
He has told how women feel about our country….
He’s shown how women have made a difference…
He’s exhibited that women can be activist and retain their femininity..
He makes me proud to be a woman and a activist, new media blogger…
The comments ran the gambit, however without a doubt, they all praised the work of the author and director Stephen F. Bannon.
To listen to Mr. Bannon interview with Barbara go to

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Citizens United