Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Michele Bachmann

Citizens United Productions Announces RNC Event Schedule

Washington, DC – President David N. Bossie of Citizens United Productions – the premier conservative film studio in America – today announced the screening schedule of the Citizens United Theater at Liberty Plaza during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. “We are excited to once again host a theater at the RNC,” said Citizens […]

Secure Freedom Radio Podcast: David Bossie

David Bossie joins Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio to discuss the five members of Congress who are calling for an investigation into the backgrounds of some very influential government employees. He also analyzes the independent study that found the FBI failed to investigate Major Nadal Hassan for reasons of political correctness. Listen Here

Political Correctness Hurts American Society

This week Representatives Michele Bachmann, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Tom Rooney, and Lynn Westmoreland came under attack by the liberal media and so-called conservative Republicans because they were doing their job as legislators. These patriotic Members of Congress sent letters to the inspectors general of the State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security Departments and the […]

Politico: Michele Bachmann’s McCarthyism?

It would be the height of folly if, in the name of political correctness, “diversity,” “multiculturalism” or a fear of giving offense, the government continues to ignore what our enemies say is their intent to subvert us from within – and evidence of their success in doing so. If anybody is engaging in “McCarthyism,” it […]

Kitchen Cabinet: Citizens United: Fire From The Heartland

From Kitchen Cabinet: Citizens United and its great leader Dave Bossie is one of the greatest friends to The Kitchen Cabinet, and continually encouraging of our efforts to unite economically-conservative women across the nation.  If you don’t have “Fire From The Heartland” featuring Michele Bachmann, it’s a must for your video library.  “Heartland” is a […]

The Atlantic: Palin Filmmaker Spreads His Bets to Bachmann

Before Sarah Palin, Steve Bannon made a movie about Michele Bachmann. Could it push her over the top in Iowa? One could make a fairly convincing case that Steve Bannon, the filmmaker who brought us the Sarah Palin bio pic “The Undefeated,” has gotten at least as much attention these last few months as Palin […]

Minnesota Post: Citizens United hawking movie starring Bachmann

Sarah Palin isn’t the only conservative woman with a movie to plug. Citizens United Productions has launched a $100,000 advertising campaign for its film, “Fire from the Heartland,” a documentary highlighting the role of conservative women in politics today. The movie stars Minnesota Congresswoman and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann. Read more at the Minnesota Post […]

Politico: Michele Bachmann on Billboards before Ames

As a companion piece to its ads touting a movie about Michele Bachmann, Citizens United has this ad on two billboards in Iowa, one in Des Moines between the airport and the downtown area, and the other on the highway between Des Moines and Ames, according to CU’s Jeff Marschner. The group will also have […]