Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Attacking Gov. O’Malley’s Tax Hike

Washington, D.C.—Citizens United, a prominent conservative grassroots advocacy organization with members throughout the state of Maryland, is unveiling a major television advertisement campaign condemning Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley’s (D) proposed tax hike. O’Malley’s controversial $2 billion tax hike would lead to higher sales, income, and gas taxes for Marylanders.

The ad spoofs a well-known state tourism spot touting Maryland’s beautiful beaches and modern cities, and says that tourism won’t matter if nobody can afford to live in such a high-tax state. The ad contends that the unprecedented increase will punish Marylanders and reduce living standards.

The weeklong television ad campaign will begin Monday and air on the ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX affiliates in Baltimore, as well as on FOX News Channel in Montgomery and Prince Georges counties.

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“Governor O’Malley’s $2 billion tax hike is bad policy that will have disastrous consequences for Maryland and its economy,” said Citizens United president David Bossie. “This tax increase will hurt working Marylanders. Maryland’s legislators would be wise to listen to their constituents and stop Governor O’Malley’s liberal tax-and-spend plan.”

The script reads:

“Discover Maryland!…Busy Cities…Beautiful beaches…Quiet back roads…Mountain getaways…And really high taxes.”

“Yet now Governor O’Malley plans to push Maryland taxes even higher…Higher sales tax…Higher income tax…Higher gas tax.”

“Tell your legislators to stop O’Malley’s $2 billion tax hike…Maryland’s a great place to visit. It’d be nice to afford to keep living here.”

To arrange an interview with David Bossie, please contact Quin Hillyer at 202-577-3844 or or Stephen Manfredi at Shirley & Banister Public Affairs at 703-739-5920 or

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Citizens United