Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


Now What, Mr. Speaker?

After what I am sure were a few tense minutes while his fellow members of the House of Representatives rendered judgment, John Boehner was reelected as Speaker of the House earlier this week. Twelve fellow Republicans defected and either voted for another person, voted present, of did not vote at all. Why? Read more at […]

Unhappy Tax Day!

The filing deadline to pay your 2011 taxes is midnight tonight. Big Government has seen a boon under the Obama Administration but small business and the middle class are feeling the pinch from unwanted taxes. Read more about the Tax Man from last week’s Cagle column here.

Cagle Post: The Tax Man Is Coming

Americans get a two-day reprieve from the Tax Man this year due to April 15th falling on a Sunday and the following day being a Washington, D.C. holiday. The deadline to file federal taxes is April 17th, a day which many Americans dread and Big Government relishes. The old saying that death and taxes are […]

Help Us, Supercommittee, You’re Our Only Hope!

With the national debt making news once again by exploding past the surreal $15 trillion mark, there is a glimmer of hope that those advocating for spending cuts as opposed to tax increases will get a shot in the arm for their cause as the Supercommittee approaches it’s deadline next week. Our country is $15 […]

80% Of Americans Want A Tax Increase?

There he goes again.  President Obama today laughably claimed that 80 percent of Americans want a tax increase to help bring down our nation’s debt. Just yesterday, Rasmussen had a poll saying 55 percent OPPOSE tax increases in a new debt deal.  This Administration is astoundingly tone deaf. The unemployment rate is at a crippling […]

American Spectator: A Conservative Communique for 2011

Citizens United joined with many other conservative organizations to sign the Conservative Communique of 2011: Along with nearly 100 conservative leaders and tea party activists we gather to reaffirm our principles of constitutional limited government and economic freedom and our belief in a strong national security and traditional American values. In the recent election, the […]