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BigGovernment: Will Senate Democrats Stifle Free Speech?

Regulating liberty, by David N. Bossie:

Today the Senate returns to session having not yet addressed Senator Chuck Schumer’s troubling legislation, the Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections Act (“DISCLOSE Act”). Senator Schumer sought and failed to pass the DISCLOSE Act – a bill that would restrict the First Amendment rights of Americans – by the Fourth of July, the day on which we celebrate our nation’s independence.

The DISCLOSE Act is a desperate attempt to influence the November elections, and minimize Democrat losses. Senator Schumer and the legislation’s other sponsors aim to have a law on the books that will take effect prior to November regardless of whether a regulatory system is in place to enforce the burdensome new reporting requirements. The Act, its reporting burdens, and penalties are set to take effect 30 days after it has been signed by President Obama.

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