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Cagle Post: Democrats’ Buyer’s Remorse On Obamacare

In just under two weeks the open enrollment period for Obamacare will draw to a close. That is unless there is another change to the law to go along with the dozens of other unilateral modifications. March 31st is the deadline for individuals to obtain health care coverage and those who fail to enroll will be subject to a new tax penalty.

The law set out long term to provide health care coverage to more than 50 million uninsured individuals with the assurance that the reform would only affect them. Those Americans with current coverage were promised that they could keep their insurance plans and their doctor — a promise that turned out to be patently untrue. The Obama Administration initially set a goal of seven million enrollees by the end of this month — a figure that was shortly revised to just six million as complications from the law’s miserable implementation and clunky website began to pile up.

Read more at Cagle Post here.

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