Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control



This week marked the infamous five year anniversary of Obamacare, the most detrimental piece of legislation enacted by the Obama Administration to this day. It’s hard to believe that health care in the United States, once the envy of the world, has now been converted into an unfavorable and flawed system, affecting every household in […]

Slip Sliding Away

Early this morning, a new poll from the Washington Post and ABC News was released showing the President’s approval rating has dropped down to 41 percent. This is a 5-point drop from where the President’s approval rating was for the first three months of this year, and the lowest of his presidency in WaPo-ABC News […]

Supremes Remind the Obama Administration that Religious Freedom Isn’t Dead Yet

Things may be looking up for the First Amendment and religious freedom at the High Court. According to Politico, a majority of the Justices hearing oral arguments today in the Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius cases “seemed particularly doubtful” of the Obama Administration’s claim that “for-profit companies […]

Cagle Post: Stopping the Obamacare Bailout

Buried deep within Obamacare’s 2,801 pages, are provisions for a massive taxpayer-funded bailout of insurance companies. Specifically, Section 1341 creates a fund to cover more than $20 billion of losses insurance providers will suffer for covering people with specific high risk health problems, as required by Obamacare. This is a fee collected from insurers and […]

Happy New Year! Obamacare Blunders Part XVII

Obamacare has been mired by blunders that will no doubt only get worse in the days ahead. Not just technological blunders but also blunders that will hold YOUR healthcare hostage. This post will be continuously updated so you can see how the Obamacare blunders are affecting you. Six new Obamacare Blunders added today: 1) According […]

Cagle Post: The Medicaid Meltdown

While everyone is talking about the disastrous rollout of the website, they are largely ignoring a much more substantial problem with Obamacare: the crushing burden it will place on doctors and cash-strapped states by enrolling millions more American’s in Medicaid. Obamacare initially required all states to expand Medicaid to cover everyone earning less than […] Fumbled?

President Obama, in his most incoherent press conference yet, described the ugly rollout of Obamacare as a mere fumble. “That’s on me … we fumbled the rollout on this health-care law,” he said, the Washington Post reported Thursday. Read more at here.

Cagle Post: Obamacare – You Wrote It, You Own It

In Congress, ideology is extremely important, but it always takes a backseat when faced with close elections. Vulnerable Democrats, such as Senator Kay Hagan of North Carolina and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana are scrambling to distance themselves from the Obamacare implementation fallout and the insurance mandate. In the House, Democrats are furious about the optics […]

The Incompetent Presidency

President Obama said his administration “fumbled” the rollout of Obamacare. He also said that he was not “informed” about the impending disaster of the website. Presidents rise and fall on competency and President Obama and demonstrated today that his administration is totally incompetent. Mr. President, you and your campaign prided yourself on being the adults […]