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Cagle Post: State Department Getting Played by the Muslim Brotherhood

The number one goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to spread Sharia law throughout the world, not just in the Middle East. Since its founding over eighty years ago, the Muslim Brotherhood has been no friend of America’s ideals and democratic way of life. That is why it is so disturbing that the Obama Administration’s own State Department has given the Muslim Brotherhood’s radical Islamic agenda a wink and a nod.

Although the Obama Administration wants Americans to believe that the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate organization, nothing could be further from the truth. A sense of friendship with a radical organization will only jeopardize America’s security in the long-run. Americans must realize what the Muslim Brotherhood stands for. Sharia law has spread into Europe and has taken hold in Egypt thanks to the Arab Spring. Many Americans do not understand what Sharia law entails or, for that matter, have even heard of it.

Essentially, Sharia law is a rigid Islamic moral code that commingles religion and government. Sharia law encompasses all facets of Muslim life from religion and finances, right down to personal hygiene. Before the U.S.-led invasion, Afghanistan was the center of Sharia law in the Muslim world, where women had no rights and were treated as second class citizens on a good day.

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