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Cagle Post: The Need For A Select Committee On Benghazi Is Evident

It has been nearly eight months since America’s Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other brave Americans were murdered during a terrorist attack in Benghazi. Thus far, the investigation into the attack that occurred on September 11, 2012 has been incomplete and there are more questions today than there are answers.

This week will be pivotal for the Benghazi investigation. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will receive testimony from two State Department whistle-blowers and a third State Department employee about the events surrounding the attack and the Obama Administration’s response in the hours, days, and weeks that followed.

I applaud the work of Chairman Darrell Issa and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Back in the 1990s, I was the Chief Investigator of that same committee and know what a challenge it is to conduct thorough and effective investigations. However, it has been three months since any Congressional committee has conducted an extensive hearing into the attack, and seven months since Chairman Issa’s committee held one. With the revelations coming out over the last week regarding Benghazi, my resolve has only grown stronger about the need for a Select Committee to get to the bottom of what happened nearly eight months ago.

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