Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Frank Wolf

Politico: Meet the Benghazi lobby

The outside group’s pressure campaign has been a multi-pronged offensive with ex-military officials rallying the grassroots base while Washington operatives at American Crossroads, Citizens United and others have mounted an inside-the-Beltway campaign with online videos, letters to Congress and Twitter activity. Read more at Politico here.

Bossie: Progress Report Noted, Select Committee Needed

Washington, DC — Citizens United President David N. Bossie issued the following statement in response to the non-sanctioned progress report released today by the five House committee chairmen investigating the Benghazi terrorist attack. “Although I applaud the work that’s been done by the five committees to date, it has become abundantly clear with the release […] Momentum For Benghazi Select Committee

There is only one certainty surrounding the terrorist attack that occurred in Benghazi, Libya last September 11th: seven months later, the American people and the families of the victims and wounded still do not know all the facts and specifics that resulted in the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American heroes. However, […]