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Congressman Graves Gets It Right On Obamacare

Yesterday, Rep. Tom Graves of Georgia introduced the Stability, Security and Fairness Resolution (H.J.Res. 62) that defunds Obamacare while funding the rest of the government at agreed upon sequestration levels. This resolution, which already lists 42 House members as co-sponsors and earned an endorsement from Senator Mike Lee of Utah, defines the ongoing battle to stop Obamacare before its scheduled implementation date of January 1, 2014.

The misguided House leadership originally had attempted a parliamentary sleight of hand to approve a Continuing Resolution this week, but after strong opposition from the conservative movement, they were forced to cancel the vote. With only 17 principled Republicans needed to stop an Obamacare-funding CR, the 42 who have signed on to Rep. Graves’ bill makes it virtually impossible for House leadership to vote on a government funding CR which includes money for Obamacare.

Obamacare is already harming the economy and shifting employees to part-time work. Even the 57 union AFL-CIO which represents “more than 12 million working people,” has called the implementation of the law “highly disruptive” and harmful to their workers. Obamacare must be defunded now and Rep. Graves’ resolution moves Congress in that direction. Citizens United urges support of H.J.Res. 62.

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