Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Rep. Tom Graves

A Battle Won But The War Continues To Defund Obamacare

This week, thanks to a groundswell of opposition from conservative activists, the House Republican leadership decided to delay voting on their continuing resolution. Leadership would never admit it, but they canceled Thursday’s scheduled vote because they did not have enough support from Republican members. Using tactics that only Washington insiders could dream of, House leadership […]

Congressman Graves Gets It Right On Obamacare

Yesterday, Rep. Tom Graves of Georgia introduced the Stability, Security and Fairness Resolution (H.J.Res. 62) that defunds Obamacare while funding the rest of the government at agreed upon sequestration levels. This resolution, which already lists 42 House members as co-sponsors and earned an endorsement from Senator Mike Lee of Utah, defines the ongoing battle to […]