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Daily Caller: Citizens United leader to Obama on new constitutional amendment: ‘Bring it on’

TAMPA, Fla. — After President Barack Obama suggested Wednesday that he wants a new constitutional amendment to overturn the landmark “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling, Citizens United president David Bossie told The Daily Caller he has a message for the president: “Bring it on.”

“President Obama has never paid much attention to, nor cared much for, the founding fathers’ intent,” Bossie said in a phone interview. “So they want to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the First Amendment. That’s always what the anti-free-speech crowd is about. That’s what this is.”

“Citizens United is, pure and simple, a free speech case that the president and the left can’t handle because they can’t win the argument,” Bossie continued. “They can’t make their own political arguments and win them with the American people so they have to stifle speech. That is the only way the left has ever been able to win in America.”

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