Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


Daily Caller: Citizens United leader to Obama on new constitutional amendment: ‘Bring it on’

TAMPA, Fla. — After President Barack Obama suggested Wednesday that he wants a new constitutional amendment to overturn the landmark “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling, Citizens United president David Bossie told The Daily Caller he has a message for the president: “Bring it on.” “President Obama has never paid much attention to, nor cared much […]

First Amendment Center: Amendment to undo Citizens United won’t do

Gene Policinski of the First Amendment Center effectively tackles the problems with Reps. John Conyers and Donna Edwards’ proposed amendment to overturn our Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC: …Few likely would debate the motive that Conyers and Edwards say is behind the proposed amendment: fair elections, honest government. But good intentions don’t […]