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Daily Caller: Republican establishment elites are wrong

In the Daily Caller today, CU President David Bossie writes that the GOP is stronger because of Senator DeMint:

In their postmortems of the 2010 elections, many in the Senate Republican establishment have placed the blame for their inability to regain the majority on Senator Jim DeMint’s principled pre-election endorsements. Once again these establishment elites are wrong.

Immediately following the election of President Barack Obama, the Republican establishment sent out word that the only way out of their electoral abyss” was to nominate more moderate candidates. If you think about the Republican wish list in early 2009, the names Charlie Crist, Trey Grayson, Sue Lowden, and Jane Norton come to mind. All four are your standard safe” candidates who fit into the mold of a Republican senator who will be fine with business as usual. None would have given the party leadership any headaches or sacrificed their electoral standing for the conservative movement and our core principles.

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