Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


The Election is Getting Smaller and Smaller

Another week, another mind-boggling meme from our Commander-in-Chief. This time, President Obama and his team are mocking Mitt Romney for using the phrase “women in binders” to describe how he launched a special effort to seek out the resumes of women to hire for his administration as governor of Massachusetts. Sure, it came out in […]

Big Government: If It’s Hello 1980, It’s Goodbye Obama

Is 2012 turning out to be another 1980? After seeing and hearing the Democrats at their convention in Charlotte, it’s almost becoming eerie at this point. The sad truth for Democrats is that little has changed in 32 years. There’s an unmistakable feeling in politics that you get when you don’t feel quite right about […]

Star Tribune: Era of new PAC money unleashed in Iowa

In the Star Tribune, CU President David Bossie explains why an increase in political speech benefits all: But to David Bossie, president of Citizens United, what voters are seeing is unbridled democracy in action. “Throughout this presidential nominating contest we’ve seen enthusiastic supporters of the various candidates form Super PACs in support of their chosen […]

Obama & Project Vote: The ACORN Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

President Obama’s campaign today launched “Project Vote” to increase registration amongst Democrat-friendly demographic groups. The Obama campaign wants to “expand the electorate” for the upcoming 2012 race. One problem with the name “Project Vote” – it shares the same title as a 501 (c) (3) also called Project Vote which worked closely with the now-defunct […]

Why We Welcome AFL-CIO’s Super PAC

After the United States Supreme Court handed Citizens United a great victory for free speech with its historic decision in Citizens United v. FEC in 2010, the AFL-CIO was aghast. In a statement released the day of the decision, the AFL-CIO said, “…the Supreme Court further tilted the playing field in favor of business corporations […]