Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Fire From The Heartland Released

The first-ever film to tell the entire story of the conservative woman in her own words, “Fire from the Heartland” is a powerful statement about America at a crossroads and the women who have awakened to the crisis. With role models such as Clare Boothe Luce, Margaret Thatcher, and Phyllis Schlafly as inspiration, these women are the unintended consequence of the liberal feminist movement.

Tracing the long history of the many conservative women who have been the backbone of this great nation, from the founding mothers of our Republic to today’s “Mama Grizzlies,” this powerful and compelling documentary honors the self-made American woman.

Activists, politicians and commentators such as Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, S.E. Cupp, Dana Loesch, Michelle Easton, Sonnie Johnson, Jenny Beth Martin, Michelle Moore, Jamie Radtke, Deneen Borelli, Janine Turner, and Congresswomen Cynthia Lummis, Jean Schmidt, and Michele Bachmann share their emotional stories of hardship and triumph in their fight for freedom. These women leaders are fanning the flames of liberty across the nation.

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Written and directed by Stephen K. Bannon and produced by David N. Bossie, the team that made the critically acclaimed film “Generation Zero” that focused on the financial meltdown and the rise of the Tea Party, “Fire from the Heartland” is a must-see for every citizen concerned with the direction of our country and will stir a fire in the hearts of all Americans.
Learn more and order the DVD

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Citizens United