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Media Advisory: “Occupy Unmasked” To Be Released On Video On Demand Today

Washington, DC – David N. Bossie President of Citizens United announced that “Occupy Unmasked” will be available on Video On Demand (VOD) starting today. The VOD providers carrying “Occupy Unmasked” are iTunes; Amazon; Charter; Comcast; Google Play; DirecTV; Playstation3; Suddenlink; Time Warner; Verizon FIOS; VUDU; Xbox Zune; AT&T UVerse; Cablevision; Cox; and Dish Network. For more information on VOD please go here.

“We are pleased to make this exciting title available on Video on Demand on the heels of its limited theater release,” said Citizens United President David N. Bossie. “‘Occupy Unmasked’ must be seen to be believed and now millions more will have that opportunity right in their own homes.”

By the award-winning team of writer/director Stephen K. Bannon @StephenBannon and producer David N. Bossie @David_Bossie, “Occupy Unmasked” is the last major piece of work by the late conservative icon Andrew Breitbart.

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“The truth must be told about the Occupy Wall Street movement and after a successful limited theater release now many more Americans can see this explosive film on VOD,” said writer/director Stephen K. Bannon.

“Occupy Unmasked,” takes viewers into the Occupy Wall Street camps across the country in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Portland, Denver and Oakland for an up-close look at what’s happened there and who’s at the heart of the movement. Exclusive footage and first-hand eyewitness accounts tell the story of the criminal activity and raw brutality in the camps – much of which has not been reported by the mainstream media.

Featuring the late conservative icon Andrew Breitbart, as well as former leftist radicals turned patriotic citizen journalists Brandon Darby @BrandonDarby, David Horowitz @horowitz39, Pam Keys, Anita MonCrief @anitamoncrief, Mandy Nagy @Liberty_Chick, and Lee Stranahan @Stranahan, among others, this film delves beneath the surface of the Occupy movement to show its anarchist roots, led by those who advocate the use of violence and intimidation as protest tactics. These tactics stem back to the anti-war protests of the 1960’s, the anti-nuclear weapons protests of the 80’s, the WTO protests and Environmental Liberation Front of the 90’s, and the IMF protests of recent years.

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Citizens United