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Citizens United

Citizens United and Citizens United Foundation filed their opening brief with the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals

Summary Description: Citizens United v. Schneiderman 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeal Opening Brief On Friday, January 6, 2017, Citizens United and Citizens United Foundation filed their opening brief with the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in New York in Citizens United v. Schneiderman. The case involves a constitutional challenge to the New York […]

National Review: Clinton Foundation Asked State Department to Approve Corrupt, Putin-Allied Oligarch’s Attendance at 2012 Meeting

Bill Clinton sought State Department approval to invite a powerful, Putin-backed Russian oligarch with an expansive history of corruption to the Clinton Global Initiative’s 2012 meeting while Clinton’s wife was secretary of state, according to an e-mail newly obtained by National Review. The June 4, 2012 message was sent by Amitabh Desai, Bill Clinton’s foreign-policy […]

Politico: More emails surface in Hillary Clinton Benghazi probe

More previously undisclosed State Department emails related to Benghazi have surfaced in a federal court filing, offering a public accounting of at least some of the records still being sought by congressional investigators. The filing Monday in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by the conservative group Citizens United describes about a dozen Benghazi-related […]

Statement by Citizens United President David N. Bossie on newly released State Department-National Iranian American Council (“NIAC”) email

Today’s newly released State Department email is our second example to date indicating Bill Clinton’s apparent support for doing business with entities with ties to the Iranian regime. The most troubling issue with today’s email is that the event in question would not only have been a paid speech for President Clinton, but also a […]

Statement of Citizens United President David N. Bossie On Citizens United’s Opposition To FOIA Lawsuit Consolidation:

“Today Citizens United filed our opposition to the government’s motion to consolidate our FOIA lawsuits with nearly thirty other cases. The government’s request is little more than a stunt designed to delay the public release of Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills’ emails. The thirty lawsuits the government seeks to “coordinate” have no common issues of […]

Washington Examiner: NAACP v. Alabama for the 21st Century

Bullies with government power always seem to know how to be creative in censoring their critics, which is one reason why we have the First Amendment as part of our nation’s fundamental and paramount law over government itself. In the 1950s, many politicians wanted to silence the civil rights movement. Doing their bidding, Alabama Attorney […]

Politico: Three Cheers for Citizens United!

It probably pleases Bernie Sanders each morning to wake up and realize the trajectory of his campaign shows that Chief Justice John Roberts and Antonin Scalia didn’t ruin the country in quite the way that progressive groups had feared in 2010. After all, the flood of money unleashed by them and the other justices in […]