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Nearly 80 Percent Of Americans Want Accountability On Benghazi

We are approaching the eight month anniversary of the Benghazi terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2012 in Libya. The families of the four Americans who were killed, including Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, still do not have a clear picture as to what actually happened. Rasmussen Reports is out with a poll that says nearly 80 percent of likely voters want to know what “exactly” happened during the Benghazi Terrorist attack.

Citizens United has been spearheading an effort to get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi. Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf has introduced House Resolution 36 that would, if passed, create a bi-partisan House Select Committee that will have the authority to investigate and once and for all provide answers to what actually happened last September 11th. H. Res. 36 has garnered 134 co-sponsors and counting with a majority of the Republican majority supporting it.

Speaker of the House John Boehner should take up this resolution when the House gets back from recess next week. Please sign this petition today urging the House to pass H. Res. 36. This important resolution has the support of the families of the victims and the truth about the Benghazi attack needs to be exposed.

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