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Politico: NY-9 loss a body blow for Obama?

Democrats are scrambling this morning to downplay their huge loss last night of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s seat in New York 9, a district that Democrat National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said was a “very difficult” one for Democrats.

Remember, this seat was once held by current New York Senator Chuck Schumer and 1984 Democrat Vice Presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro. When a Republican wins a New York City based district that has not been held by the GOP since 1923, every Democrat across the country should be running away in fear that President Obama’s liberal policies will bring down their party.

President Obama’s shameful foreign policy towards Israel and his failed economic policies that have led to $14 trillion national debt and a perpetual unemployment rate of nine percent directly led to the loss last night. When Democrats lose a deep blue seat like NY-9, it is a sign that Republicans must recruit candidates in Democrat held districts that will go on the offense.

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Another consequence of this great Democrat loss is that President Obama’s so-called “jobs plan” will be dead-on-arrival in Congress. Obama’s coattails are nonexistent, and now House and Senate Democrats know for sure that supporting legislation that is just recycled liberal policies will not translate into electoral wins – quite the opposite. President Obama and the Democrat Party are in deep trouble going into 2012.

Read more at Politico here.

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