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Release: Citizens United Releases 378 Pages Of New Clinton Foundation-State Department Emails

Today Citizens United is releasing 378 pages of new Clinton Foundation-State Department emails. These emails were produced to Citizens United as a result of our FOIA requests and litigation with the State Department.

Here are the highlights:

• In July 2012, Huma Abedin emails with Clinton Foundation employees about major donor Abigail Disney and CGI. “The problem is she keeps emailing HRC directly.” The text of one of the Disney emails to HRC is embedded in the email chain. NOTE: No HRC emails to/from Abigail Disney have been released to date. This may be one of the 15,000 undisclosed emails.

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• An email from the Clinton Foundation shows major foundation donor Victor Pinchuk was scheduled to attend a June 2012 dinner at Hillary Clinton’s house. A Clinton spokesman told the New York Times in 2014 that Pinchuk was never on the schedule during Sec. Clinton’s four years as Secretary of State.

• In 2010, Clinton Foundation staff emailed Melanne Verveer at the State Department a 63-page CGI “Commitment Highlights” document. Four days later, Sec. Clinton attends CGI. That day’s schedule for Sec. Clinton is also included in this material.

• Within the same September 2010 63-page CGI “Commitment Highlights” document, Uranium One, Inc. is listed as a partner for a $300,000,000 Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative project.

• Melanne Verveer discusses Norway “$$” CGI pledge on her State Department email leading up to the September 2012 CGI meeting.

Here are the links to the new emails:

Part I:
Part II:
Part III:

August 23 Email Release Part I by Citizens United on Scribd

August 23 Email Release Part II by Citizens United on Scribd

August 23 Email Release Part III by Citizens United on Scribd

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Citizens United