Slip Sliding Away
Early this morning, a new poll from the Washington Post and ABC News was released showing the President’s approval rating has dropped down to 41 percent. This is a 5-point drop from where the President’s approval rating was for the first three months of this year, and the lowest of his presidency in WaPo-ABC News polls.
The timing of this latest drop is no coincidence, and comes as no surprise to conservatives like myself. President Obama’s only “achievement,” Obamacare, is now in full effect and is wreaking havoc on the personal health care plans and decisions of families across America. All of the things principled conservatives like myself have been warning Americans about for the past five years are finally coming to a head, and it’s not pretty.
As is generally the case, people tend to pay the most attention to politics and to the issues when they are personally affected. And Obamacare is definitely personal. It’s sad that it took people having to experience these negative effects for themselves to finally see the light.
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