Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Attorney General Eric Holder

Obama’s DOJ Investigation of the IRS is a Fraud

Way back in May 2013, Citizens United called for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the IRS political targeting scandal. My op-ed calling for the special counsel was entitled “A Special Counsel No-Brainer.” It was clear to me then and remains clear to me today that a Barack Obama and Eric Holder controlled […]

Wikileaks Investigation By Issa’s Committee

The handling of the Wikileaks case has been bungled from the start by Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama. Last month I called for a full investigation on why this major breach of classified material happened in the first place. I applaud Chairman Issa for making it a priority for the House Oversight and Government […]

Obama Is Naïve On Terror Trials

America is at war against radical Islamists who want to kill Americans at any cost. Those who say that these murderers should be given constitutional rights are naive of the grave threat we as a nation are facing. Look at what happened this week when GITMO detainee Ahmed Ghailani was convicted on one charge for conspiracy […]