Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

debt ceiling

The Taxman In Chief

Nancy Pelosi was on CBS’ “Face the Nation” last weekend, preparing the battlefield for the upcoming fiscal fight. Like a solder following her Commander in Chief, Nancy Pelosi dutifully laid down a marker that Democrats in Congress want to raise even more taxes on the wealthy. This opening salvo didn’t just come from the former […]

McCain’s Lack of Principle

John McCain’s screed on the Senate floor yesterday attacking House Republicans for standing against Speaker Boehner’s debt plan was embarrassing for a Senator whose best days are behind him. Those House freshmen he attacked are doing something John McCain knows little about anymore – fighting for principle. Fighting for principle is something that John McCain […]

LETTER TO SENATE: Support Cut, Cap, and Balance Act

Today, on behalf of over 500,000 members and supporters of Citizens United, I urged all members of the House of Representatives to vote to support the upcoming vote on the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act. All votes on this issue will be considered for Citizens United’s 2011 Congressional Ratings. This is the fifth vote alert […]

LETTER TO CONGRESS: Oppose Raising the Debt Ceiling

Today, on behalf of over 500,000 members and supporters of Citizens United, I urged all members of the House of Representatives to vote “NO” on the upcoming “clean” vote on increasing the debt ceiling.  Any votes on the debt ceiling will be considered for Citizens United’s 2011 Congressional Ratings. This is the third vote alert […]

Daily Caller: How to repair the debt ceiling

CU President David Bossie offers a solution to rein in the national debt: In the coming weeks, Congress will consider legislation to raise the debt ceiling. In fact, to actually call it a debt “ceiling” is one of the biggest frauds in the American political lexicon. As our government continues to spend without paying for […]