Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


Citizens United Releases April Edition of Obama Biden Watch

In This Issue: Obama Speech Takeaway: “Government is the Answer” “Fair Elections” Brought to You by Barbra Streisand and Alec Baldwin America’s Secret Entitlement Program Obama’s Energy Plan? Citizens United Productions – The Tea Party Trilogy Final Thoughts from Citizens United President David N. Bossie Read the latest edition of the Newsletter at or […]

Obama’s Failure to Create Jobs

Only 45.4 percent of Americans were employed in 2010 according to a USA Today analysis. If the American people wanted a report card on the first two years of the Obama presidency, 45.4 percent should be an indicator that the failed liberal policies of the Obama Administration have done real harm to America’s workers. President […]

Daily Caller: An open letter to Speaker Boehner

An open letter to Speaker Boehner on his new responsibility, by David N. Bossie: Dear Speaker Boehner, Congratulations on your new Republican majority and your election as the 61st Speaker of the House! We conservatives have been given a tremendous opportunity to make the responsible and positive changes America so desperately needs at this consequential […]