Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Economy Recovery?

What a week for an American economy that is supposed to be in a recovery. The Gross Domestic Product shrank for the first time in more than three years; the unemployment rate rose to an anemic 7.9 percent; and President Obama disbanded his much-maligned jobs council. Unfortunately, President Obama and his liberal allies on Capitol […]

Time to Take Energy Independence Seriously

Great article via the Stonegate Institute titled “Taking Energy Independence Seriously.”  Worth a read: At year end, 2011, as Americans emptied their wallets at the gas pump and crude oil reached almost $100 a barrel, OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia reported an $81.6 billion 2011 budget surplus. The White House action at the same time was […]

State of the Economy Address

First time jobless claims were again over 400,000 (at 409,000) last week. Second quarter productivity slid to 0.7 percent for the second quarter in a row. Tomorrow fresh unemployment numbers come out for the month of August and if I had a crystal ball I would predict they will probably remain over 9 percent. Next […]

Obama Surfs, America Suffers

While the long hot summer continues, more news about how lackluster America’s economy is came out today. The economy grew at a snail’s pace in the second quarter and the Gross Domestic Product was revised down from 1.3 percent to 1 percent. This revision is just more evidence that America’s economy is in the doldrums. […]

Citizens United Releases May Edition of Obama Biden Watch

In This Issue: Priorities USA Debt Limit Breached No More Games, Pakistan “Santo Subito!” Osama Bin Laden Dead…Now What? Citizens United Productions – A City Upon A Hill: The Spirit of American Exceptionalism Final Thoughts from Citizens United President David N. Bossie Read the latest edition of the Newsletter at Obama Biden Watch – […]