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Fast Terry

Washington Post: Citizens United spends $300K to boost anti-McAuliffe film ‘Fast Terry’ in Northern Virginia

A conservative group is putting another $300,000 behind an ad campaign to promote an anti-Terry McAuliffe film, hoping to boost interest in the documentary in the vote-rich Washington suburbs. The 29-minute film, “Fast Terry,” was released this summer by Citizens United in the heat of McAuliffe’s (D) campaign for Virginia governor against Attorney General Ken […]

Politico: Citizens United hammers Terry McAuliffe

Citizens United is launching a $375,000 advertising blitz hitting Virginia Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe over his business record and support for Obamacare. A $300,000 TV ad campaign by Citizens United Productions will promote the group’s documentary “Fast Terry”, a takedown of McAuliffe’s so-far unfulfilled promises to create thousands of jobs in the state through his […]

Cagle Post: Meet Fast Terry

Two weeks after Citizens United’s release of Fast Terry, a 30-minute film documenting the controversial business dealings and political opportunism of Terry McAuliffe, the main stream media is finally picking up the scent of our trail. Both the New York Times and Washington Post went after McAuliffe and his wake of empty promises and disappointed […]

What In “Fast Terry” Is McAuliffe Afraid of?

Washington, DC – On Saturday the Terry McAuliffe for Governor Campaign sent out an email full with lies to their supporters urging them to sign a petition calling on three stations (WMDV Martinsville, WMDV Danville, and WGSR Reidsville (NC) in the Southern Virginia media market) to stop broadcasting “Fast Terry”. The documentary premiered on WMDV […]

The Virginian-Pilot: Film takes aim at McAuliffe over his car company

A blistering conservative documentary critical of slow progress at Terry McAuliffe’s electric car company has come at a tough time for the Democratic nominee for governor. Despite McAuliffe campaign dismissals of Citizens United’s 30-minute “Fast Terry” film as a partisan hit piece, its arrival amid a federal probe related to GreenTech Automotive’s finances is harmful. […]

The Virginian-Pilot: Trust is common theme in new campaign ads on McAuliffe, Cuccinelli

Virginia’s two leading contenders for governor, Ken Cuccinelli and Terry McAuliffe, are facing familiar attacks in a pair of new campaign ads, each questioning their trustworthiness. For the second time in a week, the Republican Governors Association has taken to the airwaves with an anti-McAuliffe spot highlighting the gap between the Democrat’s grandiose promises about […]

Richmond NBC12: Controversial New documentary Attacks McAuliffe

RICHMOND (WWBT) – Controversial conservative group “Citizens United” is set to launch a half-hour documentary attacking Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe. The film will soon be available for free on the internet, but NBC12 was given an early screening. It is slick, entertaining and downright damning toward the man who wants to be Virginia’s next […]