Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Mitt Romney

Cagle Post: Citizens United Stopped a Potential Landslide

In Citizens United v. FEC, the Supreme Court recognized that “the right of citizens to inquire, to hear, to speak, and to use information to reach consensus is a precondition to enlightened self-government and a necessary means to protect it.” Our important win empowered ALL Americans by giving them additional information going into the elections. […]

My Spine Has Stiffened

The conservative movement took it pretty good on the chin earlier this week. President Obama and his liberal allies mobilized their vote and got it out very effectively in the key states. On Tuesday night, as I went to bed, I was extremely down and out. But on Wednesday, as the sun rose, my spine […] Big Election, Small Things

Another week, another mind-boggling meme from our Commander-in-Chief. This time, President Obama and his team are mocking Mitt Romney for using the phrase “women in binders” to describe how he launched a special effort to seek out the resumes of women to hire for his administration as governor of Massachusetts. Sure, it came out in […]

The Election is Getting Smaller and Smaller

Another week, another mind-boggling meme from our Commander-in-Chief. This time, President Obama and his team are mocking Mitt Romney for using the phrase “women in binders” to describe how he launched a special effort to seek out the resumes of women to hire for his administration as governor of Massachusetts. Sure, it came out in […]

Cagle Post: The Bunker Mentality

Tonight President Obama will attempt to right the ship of his listless campaign during the second of three crucial debates. Set as a town hall-style debate, President Obama must connect with his fellow Americans in order to score some points. The problem is that President Obama has been in the White House bunker since he […]


The so-called unemployment number of 7.8 percent produced by President Obama’s Labor Department one month out before the election should be taken with a grain of salt. First, 7.8 percent unemployment is still unacceptable and it is President Obama’s failed policies that have led us down this road of high unemployment. Second, remember Obama’s promise […]

Politico: Is Paul Ryan a good VP choice?

Mitt Romney made a bold and visionary choice in selecting Rep. Paul Ryan today. In an election that will be won or lost on the economy, Paul Ryan is an innovator who has a plan that will get us out of the fiscal abyss that America currently stands in thanks to President Obama’s failed liberal […]

Cagle: Dirty Harry and His Dirty Tricks

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been living up to his nickname “Dirty Harry” lately as a political hit man for the Obama campaign.  Dirty Harry fantastically charged, based on a rumor he claimed he heard from someone associated with Mitt Romney’s old company Bain Capital, that Romney didn’t pay income taxes for 10 […]