Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Sean Hannity

Big Government – Sean Hannity: Stephen K. Bannon’s ‘The Hope and The Change’ ‘Most Powerful Documentary I’ve Ever Seen’

This evening on Fox News’ “Hannity,” Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, director of “The Hope & the Change,” David Bossie of Citizens United, producers of the film, and adviser Pat Caddell appeared to discuss the massive disillusionment of Democrats and independents with President Barack Obama – and their film, which details that disillusionment […]

Citizens United’s CPAC Sneak Peeks Pack The House!

Citizens United is proud to report that the CPAC sneak peeks of our two newest documentaries this past weekend were both smash hits! On Friday night at 8pm we screened Generation Zero, our controversial look at the current economic crisis in America. This was just the second time “Gen Zero” was shown before an audience, […]