Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Speaker of the House John Boehner

Now What, Mr. Speaker?

After what I am sure were a few tense minutes while his fellow members of the House of Representatives rendered judgment, John Boehner was reelected as Speaker of the House earlier this week. Twelve fellow Republicans defected and either voted for another person, voted present, of did not vote at all. Why? Read more at […]

Conservatives Win!!!

The conservative movement won tonight when House Republicans withdrew Speaker Boehner’s “Plan B” tonight from the House floor. Thank you for all of your efforts in making this happen. Read the full story on the failure of Plan B here. Conservatives Denounce Voting For Boehner’s Plan B

Prominent conservative leaders, including former attorney general Edwin Meese III, Ken Blackwell of the Conservative Action Project, Brent Bozell of ForAmerica, Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, David Bossie of Citizens United, Gary Bauer of American Values, Jim Backlin of the Christian Coalition of America, Richard Viguerie of […]

NO MORE TAXES!!!!!!!!!

As leaders of broad based American citizen groups we call upon Republican House Members to vote no on Speaker Boehner’s Tax Hike known as “Plan B.” This tax increase bill is just like the tax increase proposal Nancy Pelosi offered last year on May 23rd. NO MORE TAXES!!!!!!!!!