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Big Government: Occupy Unmasked Vindicated: Leaders Concede Goal Is Revolution, Support Violence

Almost as quickly as the Occupy Unmasked film was released, Andrew Breitbart’s expose on the Occupy Wall Street movement, liberal critics began to attack the film’s honesty. Many claimed the film was inaccurate for portraying the movement as revolutionary in nature and prone to violence. Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin attended an advanced screening of the film and denounced it as “dishonest” for portraying the movement and its leaders as violent or driven by anything other than bettering the lives of Americans.

The mainstream media support of the Occupiers, Barack Obama’s “sympathizing with their frustration,” and Nancy Pelosi’s “applauding them for their spontaneity,” was a difficult time for those of us actually covering the movement. We saw it for what it was; a revolutionary effort to overthrow the US Constitutional government and shatter our economic system. We knew the “peaceful” portrayal offered by mainstream outlets didn’t jive with a movement we knew supported the use of violence.

Read more by Brandon Darby, who is featured in Occupy Unmasked

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