Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control



During the primary season of 2012, Senator Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)50% was expecting millions in establishment cash to propel Texas’ Lt. Governor David Dewhurst to the United States Senate. Dewhurst, in McConnell’s mind, would be another political asset for him, in his decades-long dream to become Senate Majority Leader. Dewhurst looked and acted the part. […]

Breitbart: 9/11: Our Yearly Reminder

On September 10, 2001, our leaders in Washington were happy to be debating things like Kennedy-Boehner education reform and McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform. Despite the 1998 terrorist attacks on our embassies in Africa and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole, Republicans and Democrats alike were still relying largely on the oceans that separate us […]


America’s constitutionally protected religious liberties are under attack. Time and time again, we’ve witnessed these liberties targeted, threatened, and abused by liberal policies, politicians, and judges in the name of “equality.” Citizens United, and our half million members across the nation, are fed up defending a right that shouldn’t need defense. But, we must defeat […]


Citizens United has released a devastating new video, titled, “Conflict of Interest,” which asks hard-hitting questions about Hillary Clinton’s lack of transparency in providing information to the public about her Clinton Family Foundation, which brings in over $200 million dollars in revenue each year. The video’s transcript reads: “Its 3am and your children are safe […]

The Hollywood Reporter: Phil Robertson to Receive Free-Speech Award at CPAC From Citizens United (Exclusive)

Fourteen months after he sparked a major controversy for making remarks widely perceived as anti-gay, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has been named the recipient of a free-speech award from Citizens United, an organization routinely disparaged by Hollywood liberals. Robertson will receive the “Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award” at this year’s Conservative […]

Big Hollywood: Four Conservative Films Which Could Spell Trouble for Obama Next Month

Stephen K. Bannon’s Citizens United documentary, “The Hope and the Change,” follows 40 Democrats and Independents who voted for Obama in 2008 but will not vote for him again in 2012. While the interview subjects are initially “euphoric” about electing the first black president and describe Obama with words like “savior,” “charismatic” and “wondrous,” they […]

Big Government: Occupy Unmasked Vindicated: Leaders Concede Goal Is Revolution, Support Violence

Almost as quickly as the Occupy Unmasked film was released, Andrew Breitbart’s expose on the Occupy Wall Street movement, liberal critics began to attack the film’s honesty. Many claimed the film was inaccurate for portraying the movement as revolutionary in nature and prone to violence. Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin attended an advanced screening of the […]

Politico: Last work: Andrew Breitbart’s ‘Occupy’ film

“Occupy Unmasked,” which hits theaters Friday and Video on Demand on Sept. 25, was the brainchild of the late Andrew Breitbart and represents his last major piece of work. Using undercover cameras at parts, the film portrays the Occupy movements in such cities as New York, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., as dirty and dangerous […]