Breitbart: 9/11: Our Yearly Reminder
On September 10, 2001, our leaders in Washington were happy to be debating things like Kennedy-Boehner education reform and McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform.
Despite the 1998 terrorist attacks on our embassies in Africa and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole, Republicans and Democrats alike were still relying largely on the oceans that separate us from the rest of the world to keep us safe. They all went to bed that night naïve, unprepared, and focused on the wrong issues. Then we all woke up on that beautiful Tuesday morning and watched hell unfold.
So here we are on another beautiful September day fourteen years later and the war with Islamic terrorists is still being waged by these terrorists around the world, day in and day out, non-stop. But here at home, our leaders can’t seem to focus and decide on a policy to once and for all defeat these thugs who wish to destroy America and everything we hold dear.
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