Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control



During the primary season of 2012, Senator Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)50% was expecting millions in establishment cash to propel Texas’ Lt. Governor David Dewhurst to the United States Senate. Dewhurst, in McConnell’s mind, would be another political asset for him, in his decades-long dream to become Senate Majority Leader. Dewhurst looked and acted the part. […]

Statement of Citizens United President David N. Bossie On Citizens United’s Opposition To FOIA Lawsuit Consolidation:

“Today Citizens United filed our opposition to the government’s motion to consolidate our FOIA lawsuits with nearly thirty other cases. The government’s request is little more than a stunt designed to delay the public release of Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills’ emails. The thirty lawsuits the government seeks to “coordinate” have no common issues of […]

Breitbart: 9/11: Our Yearly Reminder

On September 10, 2001, our leaders in Washington were happy to be debating things like Kennedy-Boehner education reform and McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform. Despite the 1998 terrorist attacks on our embassies in Africa and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole, Republicans and Democrats alike were still relying largely on the oceans that separate us […]


America’s constitutionally protected religious liberties are under attack. Time and time again, we’ve witnessed these liberties targeted, threatened, and abused by liberal policies, politicians, and judges in the name of “equality.” Citizens United, and our half million members across the nation, are fed up defending a right that shouldn’t need defense. But, we must defeat […]

Breitbart: Bossie: The John Boehner Problem

After three election cycles and more than four and half years, grassroots conservatives have grown tired of waiting for John Boehner to pass the conservative agenda he’s repeatedly promised. Time and time again, Boehner has failed to provide a vision or use the robust majority in the U.S. House – which conservatives provided him – […]

Washington Examiner: Citizens United demands answers in State Dept. coverup

David Bossie, president of Citizens United, demanded answers to questions raised by leaked inspector general documents that suggest high-level officials in Hillary Clinton’s State Department interfered with internal investigations. “In the interests of open government, transparency and integrity, Secretary Clinton should immediately disclose the names of the senior State Department officials mentioned” as interfering with […]

National Review: Teflon Tony Rodham, the Clintons’ Shady Id

Sitting in a courtroom three years ago, after skipping out on a sizable legal bill, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s youngest brother struck a reassuring tone: Don’t worry, the money is coming. “I deal through the Clinton Foundation,” Tony Rodham said, according to court transcripts uncovered by the New York Times. He gave his word that Hillary […]