Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


During the primary season of 2012, Senator Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)50%
was expecting millions in establishment cash to propel Texas’ Lt. Governor David Dewhurst to the United States Senate. Dewhurst, in McConnell’s mind, would be another political asset for him, in his decades-long dream to become Senate Majority Leader. Dewhurst looked and acted the part. McConnell envisioned Dewhurst would become part of the establishment in the U.S. Senate and most importantly, someone who would never stand up to McConnell or confront the failed status quo.

But on July 31, 2012, conservative grassroots voters in Texas had a different idea. Those Texans were truly ahead of the curve; they already knew what millions now know so well – that Washington is broken and that Americans are being lied to by career politicians like Mitch McConnell. Those courageous voters listened to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)96%
’s message of speaking truth to power and sent him to the United States Senate. This was certainly a historic election for anti-establishment forces. However, no one could have foreseen just how critically important it would turn out to be.

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