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Cagle Post: 1,000 Days of Absurdity

Last week the United States Senate passed a dubious milestone and fittingly it came on the day President Obama gave his State of the Union address. January 24th marked the 1,000th day since the Harry Reid Senate last passed a federal budget. Families across America sit around their kitchen tables and work on their budgets. The key to any small business success in America is to follow a budget. But when it comes to passing a budget, our elected leaders in the Senate are incompetent. It is unconscionable that the Senate refuses to do the people’s work and pass a budget that will not bankrupt the country. Where is the outrage from the American people?

We are a nation that is over $15 trillion in debt and the greatest deliberative body on the planet cannot produce any budget at all good or bad for the American people. Most of the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Last spring Harry Reid said about the 2012 budget process, “There’s no need to have a Democratic budget in my opinion. It would be foolish for us to do a budget at this stage.” Senator Reid is the poster child for what is wrong with Washington. Reid’s irrational statement about the budget process last year is why he has a 23 percent approval rating – the lowest among all Congressional leaders.

The truth is Senator Reid does not want to develop a budget for the American people because he does not want Democrat members of the Senate to take tough votes that will set their core liberal constituencies’ heads on fire. Our national debt has grown to unprecedented levels. The credit agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded America’s credit rating for the first time in history last summer. We are truly in a crisis and tough decisions need to be made by our leaders. However, Senate Democrats lack the courage to make those tough decisions because of failed leadership from the top.

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