Daily Caller: Liberals Owe Breitbart An apology
As all of Washington was preparing for the long Memorial Day weekend, Andrew Breitbart and his crack team of reporters were running down sources for a story that would eventually rock Washington and New York. Making sure they had the story correct — Congressman Anthony Weiner had sent a lewd Twitter message to a college student in Washington State — Breitbart’s team at BigGovernment.com posted the story late on the night of May 27th.
Congressman Weiner initially claimed that his Twitter account was hacked and that the hacker tweeted the lewd photo from his account. Hacking someone’s account is a serious crime, especially if the victim is a U.S. Congressman with a national security clearance. What ensued was a blitz from the irrational left-wing blogosphere accusing Breitbart and the conservative blogger Dan Wolfe (who forwarded the original Weiner tweet to Breitbart) of being the hackers.
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