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Anthony Weiner

Daily Caller: Liberals Owe Breitbart An apology

As all of Washington was preparing for the long Memorial Day weekend, Andrew Breitbart and his crack team of reporters were running down sources for a story that would eventually rock Washington and New York. Making sure they had the story correct — Congressman Anthony Weiner had sent a lewd Twitter message to a college […]

Goolsbee’s Getting Off The Titanic

On the same day the Weiner saga sucked up all the media attention in Washington, a more telling picture emerged that was not lewd in nature but showed the state of the Obama Administration’s economic policy. Austan Goolsbee, the head of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors, is jumping ship and going back to Chicago […]

Weiner Needs To Go

Congressman Weiner admits to twittering lewd photos and sexting but will NOT resign. Weiner has no shame, and should end his political career like other Congressmen wrapped up in sex scandals. America is facing a number of serious issues like fighting two wars and having a $14 trillion debt. If Congressman Weiner really cared about […]

Obamacare Waivers For Me, But Not For Thee

Democrat and New York Congressman Anthony Weiner (who argued Obamacare did not go far enough and pushed for a public option, but now is one of the law’s biggest supporters) is looking into getting an Obamacare waiver for New York City. Rep. Weiner has even boasted, “A lot of people who got waivers were … […]