Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Obama Surfs, America Suffers

While the long hot summer continues, more news about how lackluster America’s economy is came out today. The economy grew at a snail’s pace in the second quarter and the Gross Domestic Product was revised down from 1.3 percent to 1 percent. This revision is just more evidence that America’s economy is in the doldrums.

As President Obama frolics in the surf on Martha’s Vineyard, the American people are suffering from his failed policies. Unemployment is at 9.1 percent and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. President Obama and his minions promise to unveil their grand plan to get America out of this mess after he gets back from vacation sometime in September. Real leaders lead, and for President Obama to wait until September just sheds more light on his failed presidency.

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Citizens United