Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


Americans don’t want Obama’s amnesty

While President Obama was trying to take a victory lap for kicking the fiscal can down the road yet again, he let slip that his next priority will be immigration reform. Well, if data from his own polling firm are any guide his push for amnesty may end up being more unpopular than Obamacare. According […]

Obama Wants Amnesty

As President Obama gears up for his re-election fight, he was in Texas today promoting what amounts to amnesty for illegal immigrants. By granting amnesty, illegal immigrants will be able to cut in front of the line, while others going through the process legally get stuck in a quagmire of government bureaucracy. The reason President […]

Immigration Bill Threatens National Security

New Ad Campaign Featuring Newt Gingrich Blasts Amnesty Bill Washington, D.C.—Citizens United, a prominent Washington-based conservative grassroots advocacy organization is unveiling a major television advertisement condemning the controversial immigration bill now being considered by Congress. The ad, which features former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and which was produced by Citizens United president David Bossie, will […]