Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Dick Morris

Join the Fight Against Unions in Ohio!

On Tuesday November 8th, voters in Ohio will go to the polls to vote on an important ballot measure known as “Issue 2”, the referendum on Senate Bill 5. Citizens United is a strong supporter of the Senate Bill 5 reform law in Ohio. This is a bold piece of legislation spearheaded by Ohio Governor […]

Big Hollywood: ‘The Battle for America’ Review – Documentary Masterpiece, Epic Call to Vote

‘The Battle for America’ explains the recent shift of power toward grassroots conservatives by Darin Miller: “The Battle for America,” like “The Return of the King,” is the climactic end of an epic journey. In a concise, packed 82-minute film, Citizens United paints a vivid portrait of the atrocities of this present Congress and administration, […]