Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

fiscal cliff Over The Cliff We Go

President Obama is making a mockery of the seriousness of our spending and debt problems with his role in the fiscal cliff negotiations. There had been talk earlier in the week of a deal involving $1.2 trillion in tax increases and $400 billion in delayed Medicare cuts. This would have been a terrible bargain, but […]

The Dishonest Broker

President Obama’s offer to avoid the fiscal cliff includes $50 billion in new stimulus spending and would change the law to allow the President of the United States to increase the nation’s debt limit whenever he wants without congressional approval. Why would the President include this ridiculous nonsense in a bill to avoid tax hikes […]

Fiscal Reality Check

America has a big spending problem – we are more than $16,000,000,000,000 (16 trillion) in debt.  That’s a fact. Here’s another fact regarding the recent fiscal cliff proposal reported in Politico this morning:  a deal involving $1.2 trillion in tax increases and $400 billion in phantom Medicare cuts will actually produce a net negative result […]

Cagle Post: Fiscal Cliff Politics

As the country heads again toward the “fiscal cliff,” President Obama refuses to tell the truth to the American people about the critical need for real entitlement reform. This is a continuation of the class warfare theme that President Obama ran on, and he wants tax increases at any cost, even if it pushes America […]

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Cabal

Last week I said my spine had stiffened after the unfortunate events of Election Day. Well, with Nancy Pelosi again assuming the role of Minority Leader in the House of Representatives, liberals will continue on a path to try to transform our country for the worst, and we must have spines of steel. The Obama-Pelosi-Reid […]

Cagle Post: The Bunker Mentality

Tonight President Obama will attempt to right the ship of his listless campaign during the second of three crucial debates. Set as a town hall-style debate, President Obama must connect with his fellow Americans in order to score some points. The problem is that President Obama has been in the White House bunker since he […]