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Justice Department

Obama & Project Vote: The ACORN Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

President Obama’s campaign today launched “Project Vote” to increase registration amongst Democrat-friendly demographic groups. The Obama campaign wants to “expand the electorate” for the upcoming 2012 race. One problem with the name “Project Vote” – it shares the same title as a 501 (c) (3) also called Project Vote which worked closely with the now-defunct […]

Obama Has No Shame

The same day that President Obama announces his re-election campaign, Eric Holder’s Justice Department announces that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other conspirators in the September 11th terrorist attacks will be prosecuted by a military tribunal – a direct violation of a key campaign pledge Obama made during his last run for president. Coincidence? This […]

Bossie Calls on Congress to Investigate Wikileaks

The following is a statement from David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United, calling on Congress to investigate Wikileaks and the Obama Administration’s handling of the Wikileaks investigation. Bossie served as Chief Investigator of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee under Chairman Dan Burton in the late 1990s. “If the lame duck Democrat Congress […]