Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


Cagle Post: The Real Barack Obama Stood Up

It took him four years but the real Barack Obama exposed himself as unabashedly liberal ideologue in his second inaugural address this week. The myth that Barack Obama has portrayed, aided by his friends in the media in 2004, 2008, and 2012, that he was a “transformational” leader who “transcended” politics is a complete and […]

Democrat Super Committee Member Fun Facts

Who did the Senate Democrats pick to find budget cuts on the new debt super committee? Patty Murray: National Journal’s most-liberal Senator, 2008 vote rankings, and chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. John Kerry: National Journal’s most-liberal Senator, 2003 vote rankings, and 2004 presidential loser. Don’t Miss Out Subscribe to our free email newsletter […]

Schumer Caught Red-Handed

New York Democrat Senator Charles “The Mouth of the North” Schumer was caught red-handed yesterday scheming with fellow Democrat Senators before a conference call with the press. Schumer said, in reference to language Democrats should use to describe Republican spending cuts, “I always use ‘extreme’….That is what the caucus instructed me to use.” Sen. Schumer […]