Washington Times: Inside the Beltway: Campaign Theater
The number of independent films that flourish beyond the boundaries of Tinseltown continues to grow. First there was “2016: Obama’s America,” now in 2,000 commercial theaters and emphasizing the state of the nation should President Obama win re-election. Now comes “The Hope and the Change” produced by Citizens United founder David Bossie and veteran filmmaker Stephen Bannon, which features 40 Democratic and independent voters in seven swing states discussing their disillusionment with Mr. Obama, and their speculation on the polling booth.
“The voters bought into that hope that Obama would be different, that he would be someone who would bring the world together,” Mr. Bossie says. “And now it’s more divided today. Those types of messages are really what’s important.”
The one-hour film debuts on HDNet Movies at 7 p.m., then airs 85 times through Nov. 6 on AXS TV, RFD-TV, FamilyNet, Rural TV and World Harvest Television, with additional broadcasts on six broadcast network in Indiana, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Hawaii and Colorado. See what’s what here: www.thehopeandthechange.com.
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