Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control – Obama, The Broken Record

Another month, another bad jobs report: unemployment languishes at 8.2 percent again. In President Obama’s Bizarro World this is a step in the right direction and the private sector is “doing fine.” This sad state of affairs has become the new normal of America under the Obama Presidency.

Even with these dismal job numbers, the Obama campaign’s only response is to make excuses and point fingers. Melanie Roussell, national press secretary for the DNC, carried on the campaign’s new theme “Betting on America” by laughably tweeting, “POTUS is betting on the American worker. @MittRomney is betting on misery. Clear choice.” Can you say, “out of touch?” President Obama has only brought American workers misery. Betting on Obama’s policies is like betting on the Washington Generals to win.

After 3 and a half years, we already know America is losing with Obama’s policies. And yet the president keeps repeating the same old tired talking points – literally. President Obama has repeated the phrase “it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report” in his monthly jobs statement an astounding 30 times in the last 32 months. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

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