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How Cutting Waste from Homeland Security Protects Our National Security

The House of Representatives will vote today on an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations bill from Congressman Todd Rokita (R-IN) that will cut an additional 10% from its Fiscal Year 2012 budget, saving $3.54 billion from current spending levels.

DHS, like other departments in the federal government, has become bloated and is wasting taxpayer money. A 2006 audit of DHS by the Defense Contract Audit Agency unveiled 32 contracts worth $34.3 billion plagued with waste, fraud, and abuse.

Rep. Rokita’s commonsense amendment will keep border security funding as is, and will not hamper the fight against radical Islam and other critical Homeland Security measures. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen has said, “The most significant threat to our national security is our debt,” so it is especially appropriate that we cut waste in the Department of Homeland Security.

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With our $14 trillion debt endangering future generations of Americans, it will take many courageous amendments like Congressman Todd Rokita’s to get our fiscal house in order.

Learn more about why our debt is the #1 threat to our national security by watching the video below:

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Citizens United