Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control


Big Government: Occupy Unmasked: Once Is Not Enough

This is a warning to anybody planning to see Stephen K. Bannon’s “Occupy Unmasked” as it opens in theaters this weekend in Dallas, Denver, Phoenix and Los Angeles: clear some space on your calendar for a second viewing. Occupy Unmasked is a dense film. It’s packed with ideas, images, sounds, and stories that were suppressed […]

Big Hollywood: What You Can Do To Help Promote ‘Occupy Unmasked’

By Occupy Unmasked cast member Lee Stranahan: We’re seeing evidence across the country of a huge Obama backlash and a mighty conservative awakening as liberty-loving Americans are voting with their pocketbooks. First came the impossible-to-miss show of support for free speech at Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day. Next, the conservative film “2016: Obama’s America” became the summer’s […]

Big Government: Breitbart Alive, at #War in ‘Occupy Unmasked’

The Citizens United film by Stephen K. Bannon opens at theaters in Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, and Los Angeles this Friday, but the original trailer for the film has been online for months and building momentum for an eager audience. When I saw that there was a completely recut trailer, I wondered why they’d decided to recreate an […]

‘Occupy Unmasked’ In Select Theaters September 21st

Larry Solov of Breitbart News Network and I are proud to announce that Andrew Breitbart’s film “Occupy Unmasked” will be released in select AMC theaters on Friday, September 21st and on Video On Demand (VOD) on September 25th.  The theater markets include Orange County, California; Phoenix, Arizona; Denver, Colorado; and Dallas, Texas. We are excited to […]

Big Government: Arab Spring and Its Occupy (Unmasked) Cousin Both Berserk over Critics’ Movies

While Americans watch aghast as the Obama-endorsed Arab Spring uprisings explode into violence allegedly over the contents of a movie, we have a small shadow version taking place right here over the upcoming Citizens United production “Occupy Unmasked,” presented by Andrew Breitbart and directed by Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.   The kindred spirits of […]

Big Government: Occupiers, Meet the Resistance

Andrew knew far more about the Occupy movement than I did, and knowledge vaccinated him against my strain of daftly misguided compassion. He had spent long months working on the chilling new film Occupy Unmasked, poring over news items, inside accounts from former members, and detailed police reports. He also had followed the networks of […]

Big Journalism: Mainstream Media Ignoring Disaffected, Disillusioned Obama 2008 Voters

President Barack Obama’s approval ratings have plummeted largely because Democrats and independents who fell for his “hope and change” rhetoric in 2008 have now abandoned him and his false promises. But the mainstream media is not covering this, once again protecting their favored candidate through omissions, treating Obama with kid gloves. Stephen K. Bannon and […]