Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Harry Reid

Obamacare Still a Debacle One Year Later

A CNN Poll out today marking the one-year anniversary of Obamacare shows that the passage of time has not dulled the public’s vociferous opposition to the bill – Americans still reject the policy by an overwhelming 59 percent majority.  The legislation that President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi […]

Senate Democrats – JUST DO NOT GET IT

Senate Democrats rejected the House Republicans’ budget plan yesterday that attempts to reign in the deficit and bring down our $14 trillion debt. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s plan would cut $74 billion from the federal budget. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called the plan “unworkable” and “draconian.” If Senator Reid hedges on cutting only […]

Daily Caller: An open letter to Speaker Boehner

An open letter to Speaker Boehner on his new responsibility, by David N. Bossie: Dear Speaker Boehner, Congratulations on your new Republican majority and your election as the 61st Speaker of the House! We conservatives have been given a tremendous opportunity to make the responsible and positive changes America so desperately needs at this consequential […]

Daily Caller: The inevitability of the draft

CU President David Bossie presents our new video “Lady Gaga DADT – Be careful what you rally for” on The Daily Caller: At Citizens United, we have released a YouTube video to highlight how the very people protesting “don’t ask, don’t tell” could be subject to a new draft if the repeal is signed into […]

Patty Murray = Sacrificial Lamb

After weeks of trying to pick who will be the next campaign chief at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee – a job nobody really wanted – Harry Reid went back and picked the one person who knows how to lose a Senate Majority (Google “2001-2002 election cycle”). Patty Murray may well be the first U.S. […]

Big Government: Welcome to Congress

A few words of advice to the freshman class of the 112th Congress by David N. Bossie: You’ve endured a long hard campaign season, weathered vicious attacks from your opponent, on Election Night, you triumphed, and now you will take your seat in the 112th Congress. Now the real work begins.While much of your time […]

Daily Caller: Beware of the lame-duck Congress

CU President David Bossie warns of the lame-duck Congress in The Daily Caller: Republicans may be in control of the U.S. House of Representatives when the 112th Congress comes to Washington, D.C. in January, but the 111th Congress isn’t dead yet. When the disastrous Pelosi-Reid-led Congress comes back for its lame-duck session on November 15th, […]

Big Government: Conservative Women Led the GOP Comeback

CU President David Bossie says the conservative charge of November was bolstered by leadership of women: Conservative Republicans nationwide made a resounding comeback last Tuesday night, recapturing the majority in the U.S. House by picking up more than 60 seats – the biggest gains since 1948! In addition to the historic night in the House, […]

Bossie: President Obama and the Democratic Congress are Tone Deaf

Washington, DC — Citizens United President David N. Bossie, issued the following statement regarding the potential vote on the DISCLOSE Act in the United States Senate set for Thursday. “President Obama and the Democratic Congress are tone deaf to what the American people really want. The President and Congress should be focusing on the economy, […]